A Rich Educational Environment

“Providing a rich educational environment in which students live with and learn from a diverse range of peers requires investment from the entire community.” — Alison Byerly, from “Who Gains From College Diversity?” (The New York Times)




our project so far

We got a lot accomplished today. Thanks to Valerie Suchor, Liz Diamond, Noora Badeen and JulietteRose Glassner for lending us their talents and time. Also thanks to Oakton Community College’s Art Club and Mark Palmeri for letting us work on the banner in the Art Studio at Oakton’s Ray Hartstein campus. The Art Studio staff, including Ivan Junkovic, were helpful, and the assistance with art supplies and equipment helped us to optimize our collective capacity. Oakton’s Media Services helped us with the media projector too.

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We’re planning to finish this diversity-themed banner next Friday. Next up: continue working on the lettering and color scheme, integrate text contributions in a mosaic-like effect, stitch edges, pop in grommets…



Observing Nature

“Observing nature, we see that diversity is essential to balance, wholeness, and resilience. Ecosystems thrive when a variety of species of plants and animals nourish each other. Diverse environments are much stronger and less susceptible to pests and disease than mono-crop fields. The world is a relational system full of complex inter-dependence among very different creatures. If we want sustainable communities, we must always welcome the “other” and learn to see our neighbor as ourselves. Without it, we do not have community at all, but just egoic enclaves.”  — Richard Rohr